Alessandro Roma’s oil paintings depict fragments of nature that appear at first glance as abstract surfaces within a uniform and vibrantly balanced composition. In a random yet intuitive approach, the artist uses collage to compose elements of landscapes and offers the viewer various points of view to stroll and find themselves in a state of reverie and dreamlike perception of nature. For the artist, the act of watching goes side by side with the act of perceiving, entangling all the senses. 

In Roma’s paintings, tactile and organic visual episodes slide into one another, forming connections through affinity or contrast. For Roma, a painting is the place where a simulation occurs, where an image is the result of a stratification of experiences. Enclosed and revealed in this series of paintings one can detect his fascination in landscapes and attraction to Rousseau’s last writings and concepts about Reverie.

Alessandro Roma lives and works in London. He received his BFA from the Academy of Art Brera in Milano, Italy. Most recently, Roma had a solo show at Art Brussels and participated in the Drawing Biennial 2015 at the Drawing Room in London. Recent shows include ‘Locus amoenus’, a solo exhibition at Sobering Gallery, Paris, ‘Organizzazione organica di forme’ at the Contemporary Art Museum at Lissone in Italy and ‘Drawing – Punti di Vista’ at Gallery z2o Sara Zanin Gallery in Rome.


Two recent articles about Alessandro Roma and his work: